About the Founder

Nancy N. Blackburn

With over 15 years of experience in Holistic Wellness Mentoring, I have witnessed the heavy burden mom’s carry and lead them to burnout and toxic living, and the remarkable capacity of the body and mind for healing and transformation when the right steps are taken. As a Mindset Mastery Graduate with Honors, I possess an understanding of the workings of the mind and how it can positively impact our overall well-being. As a premier wellness advocate of 15 years, I know that the right, quality natural solutions can provide support to the body so it can heal itself.

Having personally experienced the overwhelming weight of mom burnout, suppressing my hopes and desires, and becoming numb to the world just to survive. I discovered a transformative path to healing and restoration through my three-pillar process. This approach allows us to reclaim our well-being without compromising our faith or succumbing to mom guilt.

Throughout my life, I faced numerous medical challenges that renowned specialists struggled to comprehend due to my mother’s pregnancy complications. Frustrated by being dismissed and told that my suffering was merely “in my head” or a result of stress, I knew deep within that my pain was real and deserved genuine attention.

It was during this journey that I made a pivotal realization—the body possesses an inherent ability to heal itself. Conventional medical approaches proved inadequate in addressing my unique struggles. However, as I embraced the power of the right natural solutions, I witnessed extraordinary improvements. I am driven to share this empowering knowledge with others, free from the woo-woo that often surrounds holistic solutions. Together, we can navigate the path to holistic wellness, honor our Christian values, and achieve true health and vitality.

Join me on this incredible journey, where we unlock the innate healing potential of our bodies and minds, empowering ourselves as mothers. Together, we can transcend burnout, attain balance, and embrace the joy and fulfillment we so deeply deserve. Let us embark on this adventure of loving life and motherhood hand in hand.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I have absolutely loved working with Nancy. At first, I wasn’t even sure what to focus on to improve my life. Nancy patiently listened and helped me shape all of my hopes/dreams/challenges into an overall theme which is helping me change my life. She has helped me set specific goals and taught me that in order to improve, you need to track. Her wellness quiz helped open my eyes to all areas of well-being and see where I could make improvements. As you progress and make positive changes in your life, you periodically take the quiz again. It’s fun to see your improvement and growth! Nancy’s encouragement, love, keen insights, and specific plans have helped me grow in areas I have felt stuck in for years. She has never made me feel bad about myself for past mistakes. She helped me deal with mistakes without beating myself up over them. I can’t recommend her highly enough!

— Elizabeth Egbert